Cobb County, Ga. – (April 27, 2022) – National Travel & Tourism Week (NTTW), the annual celebration of the contributions of the U.S. travel industry, will spotlight the critical role that travel will play in driving economic growth and building the path forward through the theme ‘Future of Travel’.

This year’s theme highlights how the travel industry can restore the workforce, help communities recover, foster sustainability, usher in new innovations, and reconnect travelers in the U.S. and around the world. Celebrated annually during the first full week in May, NTTW was created by Congress in 1983 to elevate the economic power of travel in the U.S. The 39th annual NTTW, happening May 1 through May 7, arrives as the industry looks ahead to future growth and success following the challenges of the past two years.

“Tourism is one of the leading industries in Cobb, generating significant economic impact and creating jobs in our community,” said Holly Quinlan, President & CEO of Cobb Travel & Tourism. “This National Travel & Tourism Week, we are excited to highlight why tourism will continue to thrive. Tourism is the welcome mat and front door to Cobb, and we continue to work each day to bring tourism back to the forefront and create a destination that will attract visitors for years to come.”

To celebrate NTTW, Cobb Travel & Tourism hosted a kickoff meeting on April 26, where hoteliers and partners from around Cobb County’s tourism industry convened with special guest speaker Jay Markwalter, Executive Director of the Georgia Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus. During the week, Cobb Travel & Tourism will highlight different aspects of the future of travel across its social media platforms.

“National Travel &Tourism Week has special significance this year as the travel industry looks ahead to a bright future,” said U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Roger Dow. “This National Travel & Tourism Week is an opportunity to recognize the collective strength of the U.S. travel industry and how we are rebuilding to be more dynamic, innovative, sustainable, and inclusive in the months and years to come. Before the pandemic, travel generated $2.6 trillion in economic output, supported 17 million American jobs, and delivered a $51 billion trade surplus to the U.S.—evidence of the outsized role the industry will play in driving America’s recovery and future economic growth.”

For more information on visiting Cobb County, visit and follow Cobb Travel & Tourism on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To learn more about National Travel and Tourism Week, visit


Cobb Travel & Tourism is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization, working to bring visitors to Cobb County. Cobb Travel & Tourism is the only organization positioned to market Cobb County and all of its assets as a 365-day destination. As the leading industry in Cobb County, tourism has significant economic impact.

Media Contacts

Lindsey Burruss
[email protected]

Maya Clark
[email protected]