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Having harnessed her ever-growing power after lifting the dreadful curse of eternal winter in Frozen (2013), Queen Elsa, the grand conjurer of snow and ice, and her sister, Princess Anna, now enjoy a happy life in the peaceful kingdom of Arendelle.
However, a melodious, insistent voice only Elsa can hear keeps her awake, inviting the Snow Queen to a fabled mystical forest. As a result, unable to block the thrilling call of the secret siren, Elsa follows the voice into the perpetually misty realm in the woods to find answers. But, more and more, an inexplicable imbalance hurts her kingdom and the neighboring tribe of Northuldra. Is Queen Elsa’s legendary magic enough to restore peace and stability?
Movie Length: 1 Hour 43 Minutes
Movie Rating: PG

Two showings at 10 AM* (Sensory Friendly) and 1 PM!  
*Limited tickets 
The 10 AM screening is a Sensory Friendly Experience. Lights and sound are set at a comfortable 50%, subtitles are on, and patrons are free to talk, make noise, or move around. The Strand seating capacity is reduced to allow for more space and comfort, and patrons can step out into the quiet lobby at any point for a break. 
Join thirty minutes before the start of the film for a live pre-show concert on the Mighty Allen Theatre Organ!  Please note:  There will be no organ pre-show or the Sensory Friendly 10 AM movies.